🌟 苹果App Store开发者账号出售 | Apple App Store Developer Accounts for Sale | 客服: @J56789 | Customer Support: @J56789 | 苹果个人与公司账号申请及iOS内购设置 | Personal & Corporate Account Application and iOS In-App Purchase Setup 🌟
🔑 在今天的移动应用市场中,Having an Apple Developer Account is crucial for entering the App Store and successfully launching your applications. 本文将详细介绍如何申请苹果个人与公司开发者账号,This article details how to apply for both personal and corporate Apple Developer accounts, 以及如何设置iOS应用内购买功能。and how to set up iOS in-app purchases.
📱 苹果开发者账号申请 | Apple Developer Account Application: 无论是个人开发者还是公司,Whether you are an individual developer or a company, 申请苹果开发者账号首先需要访问Apple Developer官网。the first step is to visit the Apple Developer official website. 使用您的Apple ID登录,Log in with your Apple ID, 或如果没有Apple ID,则需要创建一个新的。or create a new one if you do not have an Apple ID. 接下来,选择适合的账号类型——个人或公司。Next, select the appropriate account type—personal or corporate.
- 个人账号:Individual Account: 填写个人信息,Provide your personal information, 支付年费99美元后提交申请。pay the annual fee of $99, and submit your application.
- 公司账号:Corporate Account: 需要提供公司的法定名称和组织机构代码证等信息,Provide your company’s legal name and organization code, 以及支付相应的费用。and pay the relevant fees.
💼 购买成品账号 | Buy a Pre-registered Account: 如果您希望避免等待审核或者找寻更快捷的方式开始您的应用开发,If you want to avoid the waiting period for approval or seek a quicker way to start your app development, 可以选择购买已经注册好的开发者账号。you can choose to buy a pre-registered developer account. 我们提供完全验证过的个人和公司账号。We provide fully verified personal and corporate accounts. 联系我们的客服@J56789获取详细信息和购买流程。Contact our customer service @J56789 for detailed information and the purchasing process.
💰 iOS内购设置 | Setting up iOS In-App Purchases: 对于希望在应用内销售商品和服务的开发者,For developers looking to sell goods and services within their apps, 设置内购功能是必不可少的。setting up in-app purchasing is essential. 以下是设置步骤:Here are the steps:
- 配置您的App Store Connect:Configure your App Store Connect: 登录App Store Connect,Log into App Store Connect, 选择您的应用,select your application, 然后点击“功能”选项卡,then click the “Features” tab, 接着选择“内购买”部分添加新的内购项目。and choose the “In-App Purchases” section to add new in-app purchase items.
- 创建内购项目:Create in-app purchase items: 可以选择不同类型的内购,You can choose different types of in-app purchases, 如消耗型商品、非消耗型商品、自动续订订阅等。such as consumables, non-consumables, and auto-renewable subscriptions.
- 设置价格和描述:Set prices and descriptions: 为每个内购项目设置价格,并提供清晰的描述。Set prices for each item and provide clear descriptions.
- 提交审核:Submit for review: 设置完成后,Once set up, 您需要将内购项目提交给Apple进行审核,submit your in-app purchases to Apple for review, 审核通过后即可在应用中使用。and once approved, they can be used in your app.
🔧 总结 | Summary: 无论是通过自行申请还是购买成品账号,Whether through applying on your own or purchasing a pre-registered account, 苹果开发者账号是您进入App Store的通行证。an Apple Developer account is your pass to the App Store. 同时,通过正确设置内购功能,By properly setting up in-app purchases, 可以为您的应用开辟收入来源。you can create a revenue stream for your app. 如果您在申请过程、账号购买或内购设置中遇到任何问题,If you encounter any issues with the application process, account purchase, or in-app purchase setup, 欢迎随时联系我们的客服@J56789,feel free to contact our customer service @J56789, 我们提供专业的支持帮助您顺利启动和运行您的应用。we offer professional support to help you smoothly start and run your app.